Related gauges for GX53 caps:
1. Go and not go gauge for caps GX53, 7006-142-1;
To check caps GX53-.. in the following respects:
- the diameter of the individual pins (dimension A);
- the combined displacement and diameter of the pins (dimension A and D);
- the length of the pins (dimension F1);
- the recess length and diameter of the pins (dimension F2 and E);
- the maximum cap outline with respect to dimensions M, L1 and K.
It shall be possible to insert the individual pins of the cap from surface Z into hole a1 and remove the pin along the slot.
It shall not be possible to insert the pins of the cap into hole a2.
It shall be possible to insert the cap from surface Z into the gauge until the reference plane of the cap in contact with surface Y of the gauge. In this position neither the pins nor the centre post shall project beyond the surface of the gauge.
2. Not go gauge for caps GX53, 7006-142D-1;
- To check the minimum cap diameter (dimension L1) of caps GX53-..
It shall not be possible to insert the cap into the gauge.
3. Go and not go gauge for checking keyways in caps GX53, 7006-142E-1;
To check caps GX53-1 in the following respects:
- correct keyway position in relation to cap pins;
- the minimum height and width of the keyway (dimensions W and X2);
- to prevent the possibility of insertion of only one pin.
It shall be possible to insert the cap into the gauge until the reference plane of the cap is in contact with surface Y of the gauge. It shall then be possible to turn the cap into contact position.
It shall not be possible to insert only one pin of the cap into the gauge and turn the gauge into contact position.
4. Not go gauge for checking keyways in caps GX53, 7006-142F-1.
To check the maximum keyway width (dimension X) of caps GX53-..
It shall not be possible to insert the cap into the gauge.
Contact: Eason Wang
Phone: +86-13751010017
Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China