Technological Innovation

What is EN 51084-1: 2010 ?

Title: Understanding EN 510841: 2010 and EN 510344: 2010

EN 510841: 2010 and EN 510344: 2010 are two of the most significant technical standards that have a profound impact on the field of engineering. EN 510841: 2010 is a technical standard that specifies requirements for electronic documentation used in the field of engineering, while EN 510344: 2010, also known as "Safety of XYZ Equipment, " sets forth the specific guidelines and requirements to be met by manufacturers producing XYZ equipment.

What is EN 510841: 2010?

EN 510841: 2010 is a technical standard that specifies requirements for electronic documentation used in the field of engineering. The standard sets forth guidelines for creating, organizing, and maintaining technical documents to ensure consistency, accuracy, and usability. It provides a framework for documenting products, systems, and processes within the engineering industry.

The primary objective of EN 510841: 2010 is to enhance communication and facilitate the exchange of technical information within the engineering community. By following this standard, engineers can create well-structured, user-friendly documents that effectively convey complex technical concepts and procedures.

Key Requirements of EN 510841: 2010

EN 510841: 2010 provides several key requirements that manufacturers must adhere to in order to ensure the safety and reliability of their products. These requirements include:

Document structure: The standard specifies the format and structure of technical documents, including the use of hierarchical and structured document templates.

Writing style: EN 510841: 2010 outlines the writing style and tone that should be used in technical documents, as well as any specific conventions that should be followed.

Terminology: The standard defines a comprehensive list of terms and concepts that should be used in technical documents, as well as any restrictions on the use of certain terms.

Visual representation: The standard specifies the types of visual representations that can be used in technical documents, such as flowcharts, diagrams, and tables.

Accessibility: The standard requires that technical documents be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities.

Maintenance: The standard specifies the requirements for maintaining and updating technical documents, including the frequency of updates and the process for handling changes to technical documents.

The Purpose of EN 510344: 2010

EN 510344: 2010 is a technical standard that plays a crucial role in ensuring the safety and reliability of certain products. This standard outlines the specific guidelines and requirements to be met by manufacturers producing XYZ equipment.

Key Requirements of EN 510344: 2010

EN 510344: 2010, also known as "Safety of XYZ Equipment, " sets forth the specific guidelines and requirements to be met by manufacturers producing XYZ equipment. These regulations are put in place to protect users from potential hazards and ensure the performance and reliability of these products.

The primary objective of EN 510344: 2010 is to ensure the safety of users and others who may be in the vicinity of the equipment during use. The standard outlines the specific requirements for manufacturers to design, manufacture, and test their products to minimize the risk of injury or harm to users.


In conclusion, EN 510841: 2010 and EN 510344: 2010 are two significant technical standards that have a profound impact on the field of engineering. By following these standards, manufacturers can create well-structured, user-friendly technical documents that effectively convey complex technical concepts and procedures. By ensuring that their products meet these standards, manufacturers can provide a safer and more reliable product to their users


Contact: Eason Wang

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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