Technological Innovation

What is EN ISO 13355-2012?

EN ISO 13355-2012 is a technical standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that provides guidelines and recommendations for creating and implementing competent technical documentation. This standard applies to various fields, including engineering, manufacturing, and technology.

Importance of EN ISO 13355-2012

The implementation of EN ISO 13355-2012 ensures that technical documentation meets certain standards, resulting in improved clarity, consistency, and usability. This standard establishes guidelines for preparing documentation that enhances understanding, reduces errors, and facilitates effective communication between stakeholders.

Components of EN ISO 13355-2012

EN ISO 13355-2012 consists of several components that cover different aspects of technical documentation:

Terms and Definitions: This component provides clear definitions of key terms and concepts used throughout the documentation.

Structure and Presentation: This component offers guidelines on the organization and formatting of technical documents, ensuring logical flow and easy navigation.

Content and Language: This component focuses on the information content of the documentation, emphasizing accuracy, completeness, and conciseness. It also addresses language and style considerations for effective communication.

Illustrations and Visuals: This component provides guidance on the use of visuals, such as diagrams, graphs, and images, to enhance understanding and convey complex information effectively.

Management and Control: This component outlines the processes and procedures required for the creation, revision, and control of technical documentation. It also emphasizes the importance of version control and document management systems.

Benefits of Implementing EN ISO 13355-2012

Implementing EN ISO 13355-2012 brings numerous benefits to organizations:

Improved Clarity: Consistent structure and presentation make information easier to understand for users and stakeholders.

Enhanced Usability: Well-organized documentation with clear language and visuals enhances usability, enabling users to find information quickly and easily.

Reduced Errors: Following the guidelines in this standard minimizes errors and ambiguities, leading to improved quality and reliability.

Increased Efficiency: Effective technical documentation saves time and resources by providing accurate and accessible information.

Global Recognition: Compliance with international standards like EN ISO 13355-2012 enhances an organization's reputation and facilitates global collaboration.

In conclusion, EN ISO 13355-2012 is a crucial standard that provides guidelines for creating comprehensive and effective technical documentation. Implementation of this standard improves clarity, consistency, and usability, leading to reduced errors and enhanced efficiency. By complying with EN ISO 13355-2012, organizations can benefit from improved communication, increased user satisfaction, and global recognition.


Contact: Eason Wang

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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