Technological Innovation

What is BS EN 62631-5-1: 2018 ?

Title: Understanding EN 16247-2: 2019: A Technical Standard for Energy Audits in Buildings

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is an essential aspect of workplace safety and security. With the increasing popularity of various industries, it is crucial to ensure that the PPE used by workers meets the necessary standards. One of the most important standards for PPE is BS EN 62631-5-1: 201This standard specifies the technical requirements for eye protection and offers a comprehensive approach to assessing the quality and performance of PPE.

In this article, we will focus on the technical details of BS EN 16247-2: 2019, a standard that provides guidelines for conducting energy audits in buildings. This standard is applicable to all types of buildings, including residential, commercial, and industrial, and its main purpose is to help organizations evaluate their energy consumption, identify potential energy savings, and prioritize actions to reduce energy usage.

Understanding EN 16247-2: 2019: The Key Elements

EN 16247-2: 2019 is a technical standard that provides guidelines for conducting energy audits in buildings. The standard is divided into several key elements, which are the foundation of the energy audit process. These key elements include:

Energy Audits: The first key element is the development of an energy audit plan, which outlines the scope, objectives, and methodology of the audit.

Energy Metrics: The second key element is the collection of energy metrics, which include data on energy consumption, such as energy consumption rates, carbon emissions, and cost savings.

Energy Efficiency Analysis: The third key element is the analysis of energy efficiency opportunities, which involves identifying potential ways to reduce energy usage and improve efficiency.

Energy Management Plan: The fourth key element is the development of an energy management plan, which outlines the actions that will be taken to implement energy-saving measures and achieve the goals of the energy audit.

Energy Reporting: The fifth key element is the preparation of an energy report, which summarizes the findings of the energy audit and provides recommendations for energy management.


BS EN 16247-2: 2019 is an essential standard for energy audits in buildings. By following the guidelines outlined in this standard, organizations can systematically assess their energy consumption, identify potential energy savings, and prioritize actions to reduce energy usage. By prioritizing energy audits and implementing energy-saving measures, organizations can reduce their environmental impact, improve their energy efficiency, and ensure the safety and security of their workers.


Contact: Eason Wang

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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