Technological Innovation

What is BS EN ISO 2589: 2012 ?

Title: Understanding EN ISO 2589: 2012 and its Significance in Technical Writing

EN ISO 11446: 2012 is an international standard that establishes requirements for writing professional technical articles. This standard is crucial in ensuring that technical articles are accurate, concise, and well-structured. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of EN ISO 11446: 2012 and its significance in maintaining high-quality technical writing.

EN ISO 11446: 2012 aims to establish a framework for effective communication of technical information. It provides guidelines for organizing ideas, structuring content, and presenting data in a clear and comprehensible manner. By adhering to this standard, writers can enhance the readability and usability of their technical articles, ultimately improving knowledge transfer and facilitating collaboration within various industries.

Key Elements of EN ISO 11446: 2012

EN ISO 11446: 2012 is composed of several key elements that are essential for effective technical writing. These elements include:

Clarity: The standard emphasizes the importance of clear and concise writing. Technical information should be presented in a way that is easily understandable by the reader, without using technical jargon or complex language.

Accuracy: EN ISO 11446: 2012 emphasizes the need for accuracy in technical writing. This means that writers must ensure that the information they present is true and accurate, and that they have verified it before publication.

Objectivity: The standard advocates for an objective and impartial tone in technical writing. This means that writers should avoid making personal opinions or expressing bias, and instead present the facts as they exist.

Relevance: EN ISO 11446: 2012 encourages writers to focus on the most relevant information for their audience. This means that writers should tailor their content to the specific needs of their intended audience, and avoid including irrelevant or unnecessary information.

Consistency: The standard requires writers to maintain consistency in their writing style and formatting. This means that writers should use a consistent font, font size, and color scheme throughout their articles, and avoid using different styles for different parts of the document.

The Purpose of EN ISO 11446: 2012

EN ISO 11446: 2012 is designed to establish a framework for effective communication of technical information. It provides guidelines for organizing ideas, structuring content, and presenting data in a clear and comprehensible manner. By adhering to this standard, writers can enhance the readability and usability of their technical articles, ultimately improving knowledge transfer and facilitating collaboration within various industries.

EN ISO 26388: 2011 is an international standard that provides guidelines for the collection and analysis of human data in genetic research. This standard is crucial in ensuring accurate and reliable data in the field of genetics, and is designed to establish a consistent framework for collecting human data in genetic studies.

EN ISO 26388: 2011 addresses several important aspects, including participant recruitment, privacy protection, sample handling, and data management. These guidelines are crucial in maintaining data integrity and minimizing errors or biases that may arise during the research process.


In conclusion, EN ISO 11446: 2012 and EN ISO 26388: 2011 are important international standards that can enhance the quality of technical writing. By adhering to the guidelines set out in these standards, writers can ensure that their technical articles are accurate, concise, and well-structured, and that they effectively communicate the information they present to their intended audience.


Contact: Eason Wang

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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