Technological Innovation

What is EN ISO 5903:2012 ?

Title: Understanding EN ISO 11446:2012 and its Importance in Technical Writing


Effective communication is crucial in various industries, and technical writing plays a significant role in conveying information effectively and efficiently. EN ISO 11446:2012 and EN ISO 11239:2012 are two international standards that provide guidelines for technical writing and technical drawings, respectively. In this article, we will explore the key aspects of these standards and their significance in maintaining high-quality technical writing.

Purpose of EN ISO 11446:2012

EN ISO 11446:2012 is an international standard that defines the requirements for writing professional technical articles. This standard aims to establish a framework for effective communication of technical information and provides guidelines for organizing ideas, structuring content, and presenting data in a clear and comprehensible manner. By adhering to this standard, writers can enhance the readability and usability of their technical articles, ultimately improving knowledge transfer and facilitating collaboration within various industries.

Key Elements of EN ISO 11446:2012

EN ISO 11446:2012 provides guidelines for organizing ideas, structuring content, and presenting data in a clear and comprehensible manner. Some of the key elements of this standard include:

Clarity: The standard emphasizes the importance of using clear and concise language to convey technical information.

Conciseness: The standard advocates for using limited words and phrases to convey the most important information.

Contextualization: The standard emphasizes the importance of providing context for technical information to ensure its understanding.

Accuracy: The standard requires writers to verify the accuracy of technical information before its publication.

Objectivity: The standard promotes the importance of presenting technical information in an objective manner.

Relevance: The standard encourages writers to focus on relevant information and avoid including irrelevant material.

Purpose of EN ISO 11239:2012

EN ISO 11239:2012 is an international standard that provides guidelines for creating technical drawings in various industries. The primary purpose of this standard is to define a set of rules and conventions for technical drawings to facilitate effective communication between designers, engineers, manufacturers, and other professionals involved in product development and production processes.

Main Features of EN ISO 11239:2012

EN ISO 11239:2012 defines a set of rules and conventions for technical drawings to ensure consistency, accuracy, and clarity in technical communication. Some of the main features of this standard include:

Uniformity: The standard advocates for the use of standardized symbols, fonts, and other elements throughout technical drawings to ensure uniformity.

Accuracy: The standard requires technical drawings to accurately reflect the design and requirements of the product.

Consistency: The standard recommends using a consistent style and format for technical drawings to ensure readability and understanding.

Clarity: The standard emphasizes the importance of using clear and concise language to convey technical information.

Contextualization: The standard encourages the use of context to clarify the meaning of technical information.


EN ISO 11446:2012 and EN ISO 11239:2012 are two important international standards that play a crucial role in ensuring the quality and accuracy of technical writing. By adhering to these standards, writers can enhance the readability and usability of their technical articles, ultimately improving knowledge transfer and facilitating collaboration within various industries.


Contact: Eason Wang

Phone: +86-13751010017


Add: 1F Junfeng Building, Gongle, Xixiang, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

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