Product Description

Test Probe 11

The Rigid Test Finger is a precision test probe made according to Figure 7 (Fig. 7) of the IEC 61032 (Test probe 11) and is used to simulate a human finger. It is also used by the standards of CSA, IRAM, UL. IEC 60335, IRAM 4220-1 and in most of the rules involved in the verification of accessibility to live parts.

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TAGS Test Probe BTest Probe 18Test Probe 14Test Probe 17Test Probe 32Test Probe 1Test Probe 2Test Probe 12Test Probe 31Test Probe ATest Probe 41Test Probe 19Test Probe DTest Probe CTest Probe 13Test Probe 11Test Probe 43Test PinTest FingerTest Probe